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Monday, May 5, 2008

Nationwide Housing Recovery Initiative

With recent plunging consumer confidence in our economy, our currency, our housing... it becomes even more vitally important for us to unify our individual efforts to survive and thrive.
Our compelling vision to establish a NATIONWIDE HOUSING RECOVERY INITIATIVE is the end- product of our exhaustive research, persistence and experiences raising our families under adverse financial conditions.

THE CONCEPT: A financial empowerment initiative that mentors those of the underserved population of low - moderate income consumers who desire to improve their economic circumstances. The synergy of our collective energies, intelligence and resources is central to the success of this collaborative.

THE PLAN: Drawing on the dynamic spirit of free enterprise, we have devised a plan to provide the fundamental tools (Knowledge/Information Resources/Discipline/Cash Reserves) for "prospering during this famine."

We do not subscribe to the helpless victim mindset. Instead we are convinced that our grassroots network of like-minded optimists can be part of the "solution" instead of the "problem" to our national housing crisis.

Our "SEEDADOLLAR" $1.00 House Raffle is just one of several vehicles created to make affordable housing a reality. We are more excited and more optimistic than ever as we proceed in confidence with plans for Future offerings of SEEDADOLLAR opportunities.

If you are fed up with your personal financial circumstances and desperately want to end your perpetual cycle of debt, then grow with us, send us an email: dollar2dollar4homes@yahoo.com.

Watch These Things...

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.


We walk by FAITH and not by sight (IICor 5:7)... If you have the FAITH of a mustard seed, you can move mountains (Matt 17:20)... Your FAITH has saved you, go in peace (Luke 7:50)...

According to the Word of God, Nothing is Impossible!!!
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. I pray for and with you this day that whatever you are going through, you will walk in FAITH with the full knowledge that the Lord is always with you. "Life's fractures can be mended by FAITH in Christ the Lord. At first the pain but then the gain... And usefulness restored." (Hess)

There is no testimony without a test...

Don't just count your blessings, SHARE them!!!

The Path to Nowhere

P - assing

O - ver

O - pportunities

R - egularly

This is a poverty mindset that leads us down a path to nowhere but unfulfilled dreams and misery. We follow this path because we fear failure.

Why do we fear failure? Too many of us accept defeat as permanent failure. We forget that a mistake is a learning opportunity that moves us forward down the path to our desired goals...

Remember, it's ok to fail, just DON'T QUIT!!!
Always know that "nothing ventured, nothing gained."


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